Chantel Trainer

About Me

Hello! Thanks for visiting my site.

I'm Chantel, a soon-to-be new graduate of a BS in Computer Science from University of Washington Tacoma. I love to put a creative spin on things and learn at every opportunity. In my experiences so far, I have especially enjoyed working with full stack and client/server applications, but I am always open to the challenge of learning a new set of skills.

I am currently studying Computer Science and Systems at University of Washington Tacoma, graduating spring quarter of 2021. Some of my accomplishments include Deans List, Associate of the Quarter and Associate of the Month at Sysco Food Services, and a Certificate of Excellence in General Sciences at Highline College.

I am passionate about new experiences, whether it be tackling a unique challenge, traveling to a new place, trying a new food, or coding in a new language. I believe that it is new experiences that enrich life, inspire new ideas, and foster personal growth.

I am also passionate about about arts in a variety of mediums and expressions including design, watercolor painting, oil painting, digital art, and film photography. I also enjoy spending time surrounded by the beautiful nature that we are lucky enough to have access to here in the Pacific Northwest.


Quick 'N' Easy Recipes - Hackathon Project

I collaborated with a team of 4 other students to compete in the UWB Hacks from Home hackathon. The goal of this hackathon was to create something that would assist people working from home. During the pandemic, I started to cook and eat at home more often than ever, but I had difficulty finding recipes with the ingredients I already had, and wanted to eliminate excessive trips to the grocery store. I pitched the idea to my group to create a simple and easy-to-use web application to find recipes based on ingredients and we all agreed to work on this as our project goal. Some of our other goals included using React JS to gain experience with a framework that was new to us, as well as utilizing Microsoft Azure, as they were one fo the hackathon sponsers.

For more details on the project, see Our Devpost.
Quick 'N' Easy Recipes

@Art_Du_Jour Twitter Bot - Personal Project

For this project, I was interested in creating a twitter bot which would find art-related tweets and retweet them, in addition to tweet information provided by the Metropolitan Museum of Arts open access database. The bot is running on an AWS EC2 instance and the schedule package initiates the tweets and re-tweets at the appropriate times.

Mobile Chat Application

In this project, I worked as the Scrum Master with a group with 3 other students to build a multi-functional chat mobile application for Android that integrates with a PostgreSQL database and includes a web service hosted on Heroku. On the client side, we used Java in the Android Studio development environment. On the server side, we used javascript with node.js and hosted it on Heroku. For the database, we used PostgreSQL.

The application includes the following functionality:

  • Secure sign-in with jwts and the ability for user to remain logged in
  • Secure registration process with automatic email verification using NodeMailer
  • Ability to detect the device location to provide local weather information
  • Ability for users to search and request to add contacts to their friends list
  • Ability to approve or deny friend requests from other users
  • Ability for users to add friends to a chatroom
  • Ability for users to send live messages to others in the chatroom, with notifications
  • Integrates with Google Maps API to display a map widget that allow the user to select a location on the map to see weather data of that area.
  • Offers user ability to change their password, either within the app or as an external "forgot password" process.
  • Uses Pushy for instant notifications and visibility of new messages or contact requests.
  • Provides weather information by conntecting with external weather API OpenWeatherMap
  • Offers user the ability to change their color scheme within the application.

  • Snailtails Chat App - Login Page
    Snailtails Chat App - Chatroom List
    Snailtails Chat App - Add Chatroom
    Snailtails Chat App - Chatroom
    Snailtails Chat App - Add Contact
    Snailtails Chat App - Contact Request
    Snailtails Chat App - Weather Page
    Snailtails Chat App - Location Selection Map

Contact Tracing & Infectious Virus Tracking GUI & SQL Database

This project was created to allow medical professionals to perform easily perform CRUD operations to a database using a client application. The database was built to store patient data, medical provider information, medical visit records, potential transmission events, possible contaminees, test results, patient-reported symptoms, and prescriptions.

The application consists of a client side graphical user interface written in Java and a rationalized mySQL database containing 16 different tables. Parameterized database queries were utilized to defend against SQL injection.

Contact Tracer GUI Homepage
Contact Tracer New Patient Data Form Page
Contact Tracer Additional Patient Data Page



I'd be happy to hear from you! | LinkedIn | (208)201-7847